Stressful Week

Man, oh man. It’s been such a stressful week and a half for me. I don’t get sick very often, which I’m incredibly thankful for, but when I do it’s usually really bad.

I’m feeling much better now but if you’re not squeamish there’s more after the break.


Sometime last week I started to notice a cyst flaring up. I’ve had one before and the experience was pretty miserable so I was really hoping this one would go away on it’s own – it did not. By Friday I was crying with any amount of movement and trying to convince K that I could take care of it myself. Saturday, we had plans for his Mom to come over for dinner and she showed up an hour and a half early – completely disregarding the fact that we sleep during the day – we woke up to her pounding on our front door. I managed to cook our dinner while drinking coffee and trying to hide how pissed I was and much pain I was in. Dinner was fine, sitting was not. After she left, K finally convinced me to go to a doctor and we decided to go first thing Sunday morning. Of course by the time the sun came up we could see a sheet of ice on every surface with no chance of it letting up all day – not worth dying trying to get to the doctor. I already had a fever and had pretty much completely lost my appetite so I spent most of Sunday laying in bed drifting in and out of sleep.

We got in to see a really nice doctor on Monday who took care of the cyst which is one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. She let K watch and hold my hand, and then sent us home with care instructions and some meds. I’m pretty sure I was in shock when we got home. I was shivering and no amount of blankets could get me warm but K cooked us some dinner and we went to bed. When we woke up I crawled out of bed to make us some coffee, I got super dizzy and could hear the blood rushing in my ears so I walked over the couch to hold onto something and ended up fainting over the back of it. K was still asleep so I have no idea how long I was out but I was fine after some water and breakfast.

It looks like I’m going to have to go back to the doctor every few days which is not ideal and is putting a lot of strain on K, but I’m so incredibly grateful that he’s here to take care of me when I can’t. I probably wouldn’t have gone in when I did without him convincing me. He’s been changing my disgusting bandages twice a day without complaint and making sure the water jug is always filled up for me before work, and he hasn’t complained about the dishes or the laundry going undone.

Today is the first day I’ve been able to sit up for any length of time and do anything besides play on the DS, scroll through Instagram or aimlessly watch Netflix. I worked on my basket for a little while until sitting became to much, did some dishes, and now I’m here.  I’m on the mend but not sure how much I’ll be able to make things for a while so I probably won’t have too much to post about.

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